p. 37. The exam tip states that USB 3.0 can handle upto 5 Mbps; this should say 5 Gbps.
p. 173. In the first paragraph, the figure reference should be Figure 8.9, not 8.11.
p. 173. The last sentence of the second paragraph needs to change; two additional sentences need to be added:
SCSI chains can be internal, external, or both. Figure 8.11 shows an internal SCSI chain. Figure 8.12 shows both internal and external chains using a single controller.
p. 183. In the second paragraph, SATA 3.0 throughput should be 600 MBps, not 715 MBps.
p. 412. The last bullet point at the top of the page has a typo. The utility name is spelled BDCEDIT.EXE; it should say BCDEDIT.EXE.