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New Year, New Certifications. Start planning for 2024!

December 26, 2023 in Uncategorized by

Maximize Savings on CompTIA Exams: A Strategic Guide for 2024

Are you considering pursuing CompTIA certifications in 2024? Here’s a heads-up to help you plan your studies and certifications wisely, especially with CompTIA’s upcoming price increase effective February 1, 2024.  CompTIA will be increasing the costs of all their certification exams, but you can beat the price hike by planning your studies and when you take your certification exam.

How It Works: Your Roadmap to Savings

  1. Visit Total Seminars’ Website: Before you jump into registering for your CompTIA exam, take a detour to the Total Seminars website. There, you can purchase a discount voucher at 2023 prices.
  2. Order Processing: Once you’ve made your purchase, we’ll process your order promptly. Expect an email to land in your inbox, containing your voucher number.
  3. Seal the Deal with VUE: Head over to the VUE website to register for your CompTIA exam. At the payment stage, you’ll have a choice: credit card or voucher. Opt for the latter and input the voucher number from your Total Seminars email.
  4. Savings that Last: The beauty of Total Seminars discount vouchers? They’re valid for up to 11 months. Check your email for the exact expiry date and make sure to register for your exam online with VUE before that deadline.

By taking advantage of Total Seminars’ Discount Vouchers, you not only beat the impending price hike but also ensure that your certification journey is a budget-friendly one.

Why Total Seminars?

Total Seminars is your trusted ally in the realm of IT certifications. We not only bring you the best training materials, as a CompTIA member we bring unparalleled savings on exam vouchers.  Helping you invest in your career without breaking the bank. Don’t miss this opportunity to lock in 2023 prices and make your 2024 certification goals a reality.

Total Seminars can purchase vouchers for CompTIA exams at a discounted rate, and we pass the savings on to you. By choosing Total Seminars, you can get a discount voucher that slashes the cost compared to what you’d pay at the CompTIA web store or when registering directly with VUE.

Starting February 1, 2024, CompTIA is set to raise prices on all their exams. But fear not! As a CompTIA member company, Total Seminars can offer you a lifeline to significant savings. Until our inventory lasts, we will maintain our 2023 discount voucher prices.

Act now, plan ahead, and secure your future with Total Seminars Discount Vouchers. Your career will thank you!

Talk to you next week,


CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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Total: Accelerating Your IT Career

December 4, 2023 in Uncategorized by

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Information Technology (IT), the need to fast-track your career has never been more critical. With emerging technologies, digital transformations, and a constant demand for skilled professionals, the IT industry offers ample opportunities for career growth. In order advance your career, you need effective strategies and you need a love for technology.

Keep the Learning Vibe Alive:
Stay in the loop with the latest tech. Whether it is reading the latest tech sites or taking courses, find your know what is going on in the tech world. Upgrading your skills while sipping on your favorite coffee.

Dive Deep into Hot Tech Areas:
Find your IT niche – look at what is in-demand, cybersecurity, cloud, and AI. Becoming the go-to person in these areas not only makes you a tech maestro but also a commodity in the job market.

Network Like You Mean It:
Tech events, conferences, LinkedIn groups – your backstage passes to the IT party. Building connections with fellow techies not only makes work more enjoyable but also opens doors to exciting opportunities.

Take on Projects That Raise Your Pulse:
Don’t shy away from the challenging stuff. Taking on exciting projects is like choosing the hard mode in a video game – more obstacles, but the rewards are epic. It’s your chance to show off your skills and level up your career.

Certify Your Skills, Like a Boss:
Certifications are your badges of honor in the tech world. Grab them from big names like CompTIA and AWS. Employers do notice, and they can help you get job offers.

Lead with a Cool Head:
Unlock your leadership potential. Volunteer for leadership roles, mentor your tech buddies, and be the leader everyone wants on their team.

Flexibility Is Your Superpower:
Tech changes faster than you can say “upgrade”, you need to adapt to change effortlessly. Embrace new tech, and show the world your agility in the tech arena.

Craft Your Digital Persona:
Your online presence is your tech CV. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated, showcase your skills, and contribute to online tech discussions. It’s like having a spotlight on your skills.

Fast-tracking your IT career is an adventure. Stay curious, find your tech groove, and enjoy the ride. With a mix of fun and professionalism, you’ll be the tech hero of your career story.

Talk to you next week,



CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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Navigating Success: The Indispensable Role of Soft Skills in IT Jobs

November 29, 2023 in Uncategorized by

In the dynamic world of Information Technology (IT) it’s easy to focus solely on technical skills. However, the often-overlooked success of gaining an IT job are the soft skills – those interpersonal qualities that elevate a tech professional from being good to being exceptional. I want to talk about the vital role of soft skills in IT jobs and why they are crucial for career success.

1. Communication: Effective communication is the success in IT. Whether you’re explaining complex technical concepts to a non-technical stakeholder, collaborating with team members, or providing support to end-users, the ability to communicate clearly and concisely is how to set yourself apart from other techs. Soft skills like active listening and adapting your communication style to your audience can bridge the gap between technical jargon and understandable information.

2. Problem-Solving: IT professionals need to be the unsung heroes in problem-solving. Beyond coding and technical troubleshooting, the soft skill of problem-solving involves analytical thinking and the ability to approach challenges with creativity. The best IT professionals don’t just fix issues; they identify root causes, anticipate future problems, and implement solutions that prevent recurrence.

3. Teamwork: In the collaborative landscape of IT projects, teamwork is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Soft skills related to teamwork include effective collaboration, conflict resolution, and the ability to contribute positively to a team. Whether you’re part of an development team or leading a project, your ability to work harmoniously with others is a key determinant of success.

4. Adaptability: IT is synonymous with change, and adaptability is the sail that helps professionals navigate through it. Adaptability and flexibility enable IT professionals to embrace new technologies, methodologies, and evolving project requirements. Those who can pivot with ease are better positioned to thrive in the ever-changing IT landscape.

5. Customer Service Excellence: Many IT professionals interact directly or indirectly with end-users or clients. A customer-focused mindset, and effective communication contribute to superior customer service. Understanding the end-user’s perspective is not just about fixing technical issues but also about ensuring a positive experience with IT services.

6. Time Management: Juggling multiple tasks and deadlines is the norm in IT. Time management, prioritization, and organization are essential. Being able to efficiently manage your time ensures that critical tasks are completed promptly, contributing to project success and client satisfaction.

7. Leadership in Every Role: Leadership skills extend beyond formal managerial roles. Even as a team member, you can exhibit leadership qualities such as initiative, influencing positive change, and taking ownership of projects. Soft skills in leadership contribute to a proactive and empowered IT culture.

In the ever-evolving landscape of IT jobs, soft skills are the glue that holds together technical expertise, creating a well-rounded and effective professional. As you navigate your IT career, remember that your ability to communicate, collaborate, problem-solve, adapt, and provide exceptional service is just as crucial as your technical prowess. Investing in and honing your soft skills will not only set you apart but will also propel your IT career to new heights. After all, in the fast-paced world of IT, it’s not just about the code; it’s about the people who make technology work seamlessly.

Talk to you next week,



CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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Roadmap to you IT Career

November 23, 2023 in Uncategorized by

An IT Career is all about validating your skills, staying current and always learning more. No matter what IT Career you choose you need to continue to add certifications to your resume. Check out my blog: More Certifications = More $$.

The biggest question is where to begin? Start by deciding what IT Career is for you.  Don’t look for a quick answer!

Self-assessment:  Identify your strengths and skills. Consider your interests, passions, and values. What activities make you feel fulfilled and satisfied?
Skills and Talents:   Make a list of your skills and talents. Consider what you excel at and enjoy doing.
Interests and Passions:  What do you enjoy doing in your free time?  Aligning your work with your interests can lead to a more satisfying career.
Research: Explore different industries and professions. Look into job descriptions, required qualifications, and career paths.
Education and Training: Determine if training is necessary for your desired career. Consider the time and resources required for this investment.
Adaptability:  Be open to adapting your career path based on new experiences and insights.

Next you need to determine what certifications do I need to succeed in the Career Path I have chosen? Below is a detailed Certification MAP that lays out a series of certifications you should consider as you build your skills towards each specific IT Career Path.

Remember, finding a career is a journey, not a destination.



CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are now available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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Navigating the epic journey to a career

November 13, 2023 in Uncategorized by

I have been talking about IT careers and Cyber careers this fall.  I hope you are moving forward in your studies for a successful career.  Studying for certification exams requires a systematic approach to cover the exam objectives to gain a solid understanding of the concepts and skills tested.  Don’t miss study tips in my study blog.

Prepare to pass your certification exams with study materials. Everyone has a different way of learning, it is hard to say what the is the best product for an individual to learn, you have assess that for yourself.  Determine what you need to seat the concepts in your mind!

For students who learn better in more of a classroom based learning with an instructor explaining topics, utilize computer based learning video series where an instructor teaches the concepts from the book.

For those who learn well by reading, look to exam guides. You can find a complete understanding  to prepare for a certification in an all in one book that will cover your from the basics to passing the exam.  If you are an existing tech, looking to pass the exam, I like to call you “swiss cheese” knowledge techs.  You know what you work with well, but need to fill in the “holes” to pass your exams, and don’t want a book that covers the basics. You are looking for the exam facts.

Get your hands dirty, practice, practice, practice.  Whether it is working with setting up the hardware or configuring the software, get some time working on your skills.  Use online interactive simulations to help you learn technical concepts and practice answering CompTIA’s performance-based questions. Hands on labs help ensure a seamless and coherent learning experience for you.

Certification practice exams are expensive, prepare to pass the first time by using practice exams. Practice exams are a great way for you to know when you are ready to take the actual exams.  You can use them at the end of your studies to see if you are ready to take the exams.  If you are using as a final check, don’t just trust that one pass is good enough, be certain to take several exams and ensure your scores are consistent.  If you choose to use practice questions as an integral part of their study, be certain to use a larger pool of questions.  More questions help ensure that you are learning the concepts, and not just memorizing the answers to the questions in the database.

Finally, don’t pay full price.  Save on the cost of certification exams with Discount Exam Vouchers.


Let Total Seminars help you start your journey to a new career in our new CareerPath products

CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are now available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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Sneak Peek at our new CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 video series

November 6, 2023 in Uncategorized by

CompTIA Security+ Certification (SY0-701), a course from the production studios of Total Seminars with subject matter experts Mike Meyers, Dan Lachance, and Lyndon Williams is releasing this week.

This course covers everything you need to know to pass your CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) certification exam. This course will ensure you have the knowledge and skills to be a great entry-level cybersecurity tech AND help make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA Security+ exam. Mike Meyers is well known as the “Alpha Geek“. Mike is widely known as the #1 CompTIA author and instructor with over 1 million books in print. Dan Lachance is a highly motivated and passionate IT evangelist. He is a consultant, trainer, and author with over 20 years of experience in the IT security industry. Lyndon Williams creates innovative cybersecurity solutions with Cisco, Palo Alto, and Juniper platforms to provide business acceleration and produce intelligent, resilient automated response and remediation systems. He is also an instructor for CyberNow Labs, teaching students the necessary skills to start their journey toward becoming Cybersecurity Analysts.

Check out this sneak peak!


CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are now available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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The CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Path

October 30, 2023 in Uncategorized by

IT Fundamentals > A+ > Network+ > Security+ > CySA+ or PenTest+ > CASP

With cybercrime on the rise and vulnerabilities constantly being exposed, it is imperative that organizations take a proactive stance to protecting assets and employing skilled cybersecurity professionals. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of information security jobs will increase 28 percent from 2016 to 2026, making it one of the fastest-growing fields. Jobs requiring cybersecurity skills continue to grow rapidly, with more than 313,000 cybersecurity job openings, according to Cyberseek. Employers, from government to Fortune 500 companies, value CompTIA as an authority in cybersecurity certifications.

  • $116,323/year; Average Salary for Penetration Tester for 2021 (ZipRecruiter).
  • $99,815/year; Average Salary for Cybersecurity Analyst for 2021 (ZipRecruiter).
  • Information security jobs will increase by 28% from 2016 to 2026
  • There are more than 313,000 cybersecurity job openings
  • 96% of managers use certifications as recruitment criteria.
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Testing Strategies for CompTIA Exams

October 26, 2023 in CompTIA Exams by

CompTIA includes performance-based questions on their exams to make them more practical and keep up with trends in certification testing. Knowing what to expect and how to approach these question types is key to your success in passing the exams. First, let me fill you in on some facts about the exams.

Exam facts:

There are several different types of questions you may see in your CompTIA exam:

  • Multiple choice – the standard question, choose the right answer
  • Multiple response – choose all answers that apply with more than one correct answer
  • Fill in the blank – fill in the answer to the question
  • Drag-and-drop – image or question where you drag answers to match the image or text
  • Exhibits – answer questions relating to an attached picture or diagram (variation to multiple choice)
  • Performance-based – detailed question, open dialog boxes or other configuration windows and configure as needed

CompTIA has added more of the newer drag-and-drop and performance-based questions to their exam pool.

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Scary Good Advice for Security+ Students

October 16, 2023 in Uncategorized by

Fellow Techs, 

Even though it’s near Halloween, studying to pass the Security+ exam (or any certification exam) is scary thing no matter what time of year!  In times like these you need sage advice, and if it comes with FREE stuff , that’s a TREAT! Today I’m talking Security+ because it is changing soon!

So here it is: Like I’ve said, for literally decades, you need three things to maximize your Security+ preparation: (1) Training, (2) Reference, and (3) Practice.  

Training: You need a way to systematically be introduced to new concepts and understand how they relate to each other.

Reference:  Nobody can hold all this information down this long, so a good book is a great reference of knowledge as you build your knowledge; and 

Practice: All humans learn by doing, and for exams, practice (tests/questions) makes perfect 

For those of you considering cutting corners on this, let me tell you about my long-time golfing buddy, Sal.  Sal is a techy like me, with a wicked sense of humor.   

When we go golfing, he only brings three clubs: a Putter, a 3-Wood, and a 7-Iron.   The standard golf club set has NINE clubs (numbered 1 – 9)… ask any golf-goer they’ll tell you each are important!  But Sal likes to use his three clubs, so that he can “rub it in” when he wins only using three clubs, and “make excuses” when he loses.  

Just like Sal, some do pass the exam (win) without having the standard set learning resources.  And just like Sal, I’ve seen many aspiring techs that don’t pass blame it on their lack of resources or preparation.  

The truth is, most people need all three: (1) Training, (2) Reference, and (3) Practice resources for success.   

How you go about getting those resources is up to you, but for those of you who are really serious about passing Security+ BEFORE the NEW YEAR, here’s some more sage advice (and FREE TREATS)! 

You may have read my last blog comparing Online Instructor-Led vs Self-Study Training.  There are pros and cons to each, but data says that Instructor-Led is more successful in passing the exam.  The downside of course is that instructor-led for Security+ even from CompTIA costs $2500 and up. You know getting a tech job or promotion by becoming Security+ Certified is more valuable than $2500… not to mention the personal satisfaction and momentum you’ll feel from completing a goal you set for yourself.

Last piece of “scary” advice for now:   

A wise man once said, best time to start was yesterday; the second-best is today.  If you really want to be a “new you” in the new year, you can be, but this is the last chance to do so in 2023. Remember the Security+ is changing, buckle down and get your certification before the SY0-601 retires.



More certification study tips

Now the treats.

Make your goal apart of next year’s “new year, new me” resolutions.  Or maybe, you don’t need to wait until next year after all!

What if you could engage in interactive instructor-led training, part-time, and from the comfort of your home to become Security+ certified BEFORE Christmas? Imagine what that would do for your confidence… your career — and at the perfect time ahead of the new year when more jobs are posted and hired than any other time!  

The part-time weekly schedule is simple: Mondays – Thursdays from 6 – 9 PM and Saturdays from 9 – 2 PM (U.S. Central Time) starting October 28th and finishing December 21st.  

PLUS: Even though you’ll receive tons of materials (references) and have 6+ hours of live practice sessions each week, I’m throwing in the ultimate reference, my Security+ certification guide e-book (priced at $26.99) AND video training course (priced at $349.99) FREE! 

Before I say the price, I must thank CyberNow Labs Institute (the world’s biggest cybersecurity career training school) for offering to do this for this price for the first 25 Sign Ups ONLY For the upcoming October 28th date only, you can enroll in CyberNow Labs Institute’s 8-week part-time and instructor-led Security+ training for 80% OFF the CompTIA price of $2500 (just $500.00!!)!! 

Complete this Special Application and book a call while there is still space.  If no times are available, just email with the subject line “Request Mike Meyers Enrollment Packet”.  

Program FAQs

Starts October 28th and ends December 21st. 

All training is live & online (15-hrs per week)

All training will be recorded, so you can access anytime

Includes Mike Meyers Security+ (SY0-601) Certification Guide e-Book and Video Training Course

Full refunds available before October 28th

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Instructor-Led vs. Self-Study

October 10, 2023 in Uncategorized by

Fellow Techs, 

Unless I’m riding a fine-bred quarter horse named Daisy on a summer’s day in west Texas, you won’t see me “straddling” very often.   

But that is exactly what I intend to do nowstraddle the fence…  

Because when it comes to preparing for any IT certification, everyone must choose between Instructor-Led and Self-Study training – and there are pros and cons to both… 

These are big decisions especially because so much is riding on you passing the exam… new job opportunities, promotions, self-confidence – heck even career changes I’ve seen it all!  

So I’ve compared the pros and cons of Instructor-Led vs Self-Study methods below, so no matter what method you choose, you’ll know what to expect.  

Instructor-Led Training (Online/In-Person):


  1. Structured Learning: Instructor-led training offers a well-organized curriculum, ensuring you cover all crucial topics systematically.
  2. Interactive Instruction: Live sessions provide opportunities for questions, clarifications, and discussions with instructors and peers.
  3. Live Practice Sessions: Hands-on exercises help you apply what you’ve learned in real-time.
  4. Community Support: Joining a group of like-minded individuals pursuing the same goals can be highly motivating and supportive.


  1. Fixed Schedule: Scheduled classes may not be suitable for those with busy routines or irregular hours.
  2. Limited Flexibility: The rigid structure may not cater to different learning paces and preferences.
  3. Cost: High-quality instructor-led training can be quite expensive, often costing thousands of dollars.



  1. Flexibility: With self-study, you have the freedom to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.
  2. Cost-Effective: Self-study materials are often more affordable or even free.
  3. Personalization: You can focus on the topics that matter most to you, without being tied to a set curriculum.


  1. Lack of Interaction: Self-study can be isolating, lacking the engagement and support of instructors and peers.
  2. Accountability: Without external structure, it’s easy to procrastinate or lose motivation.
  3. Potential Gaps: You might miss essential concepts or not receive timely guidance when facing challenges.

See you around, 




CNL Labs Logo

Join me for a live webinar hosted by CyberNow Labs for Hands on Cyber Career Training

US and International Discount Exam Vouchers: Purchase a CompTIA voucher and save on the cost of your exams.

Practice Tests: TotalTester practice tests have hundreds of questions in a pool that allows you to create custom exams by exam domain or by chapter. Take tests in Practice mode with assistance (hints and explanations) or in Final mode (simulate the real exams). Includes complete explanations for each question.

Interactive simulations: TotalSims for A+, Network+, and NEW! Security+, hundreds of online simulated labs. Prepare for CompTIA’s performance-based questions and learn more about technical concepts covered on the exams.

Total Seminars e-books are now available: Check out all of our e-book titles. Available 24/7 for immediate access on the Total Seminars Training Hub

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